So I just read a post on TechCrunch about Pinterest Analytics and was pretty excited about it. I've always been curious as to the depth of reach pins have on Pinterest.
TechCrunch's post says that Analytics are opened up today to all businesses who have a verified website attached to their account… which I luckily set up a few months back.
Right now I am seeing stats for stuff that I have pinned directly from my verified site, but nothing else. I was thinking that I was going to see stats for my 2000+ pins, but that's not the case. Again, they only show you stats for stuff you have pinned directly from your site, or stuff that has been pinned by others from your verified site.
It will take some more pinning directly from my business site to get more detailed stats, but it's still very exciting. I've been wondering for months now about stats on Pinterest after hearing about how it beats Twitter, Stumbleupon, Bing and Google in referral traffic according to this article.
So yeah, if you have a verified site attached to your account and want to view your stats you better run over to Pinterest and click on “Switch to New Look” in your menu and then you'll be able to access your Analytics.
Best of luck! Here's a screenshot for a quick view.