If you're photographer and shoot portraits, family portraits, etc in your local community and you are looking to market your services on social media, these free mini session templates can help. I've just introduced 15 FREE easily editable PSD mini-session templates for photographers. If you or a photographer you know needs to market their photography business this fall/holiday season please consider these templates for your next marketing efforts! These templates are perfect for posting to Facebook, Twitter etc. They are all (web resolution) 1008 x 1008 pixels and fill Facebook posts perfectly. All the fonts used are free fonts you can find online and I show you where to get them. Download them below.
(included) Free Graphic Overlays
Included in your download are free overlays, which are just small textual designs you can drap and drop onto your own photography/designs. If you're marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter you could use your own photo and slap one of these graphics onto your image displaying that you offer mini-sessions, etc. Super simple and they look great! Please note: the fonts used in the overlays are not free, but the graphics are not textually editable, they're flattened text layers. The list of free fonts used in the above templates are listed below.
Free Fonts Used
Heuristica font –
Novacento Wide Sans –
Ribbon Font –
Valencia font –
Glamour font –
The Secret Font –
Variane Font –
Zing Rust Font –
Bourbob Font –
Wild Youth Font –
Hello Stockholm Font –
BioRhyme Expanded –
Intro Rust G Base 2 Line Font –
Amatic font –
How to Download:
To download the free templates simply click the download link below.
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Download 15 Free Mini Session Marketing Templates for Photographers
I tried signing up to download the template, but got an error that says “Security Nonce is invalid!”
Hi Jay, I just tried signing up to my newsletter and it worked fine. Not sure what the issue is on your end.
Same issue as Jay. Security notice invalid.
I’m getting the same issue:
“Following fields are missing or incorrect
Security Nonce is invalid!”
Hi, I’ve updated the cache settings which were causing the issue. Hopefully that fixes it. Please try again and let me know if it works please. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Much appreciated!