Looking for affordable web hosting?  Look no further then HostGator affordable web hosting.  They offer all the features you need to run a successful website including very affordable reseller hosting which allows you to run multiple websites.  They have plans starting at $6.95/mo. when paid yearly and reseller hosting plans starting at $24.95/mo.  They use theplanet.com for all their servers which is where I host this site so I can vouch for how good their service is.  Anyway, I won't go into how good HostGator is because you can see for yourself.  Later I will go into why if you are running multiple sites you should host them at different hosting companies.  I will list the further affordable hosting companies and create a diagram for you so you can see why it's important for the search engines and getting traffic, but that's later.  Ok, well hope everyone had a good Easter break.  If you celebrate that. 🙂

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