ColorPixI just stumbled upon this free tool that helps you pick colors on your screen and easily grab the hex code as well as RGB, CMYK, HSB values as well.  When I want to grab the exact hex code to use in design I often take a screenshot and paste that into a new file in Fireworks and use the eye drop tool to get the hex code which as you probably know takes a minute to do.  It's really a hassle to do it like this.  With this new color picker tool from you can grab codes fast for use in web design when you want to get that perfect color for your stylesheet etc.  ColorPix sits on your desktop ready for insant use. And it's totally FREE.
Colorschemer also offers a couple other products that look promising to help web designers find working color schemes for their sites. Color Schemer Studio ($49.95) helps you find complimentary colors for your design by simply telling it one color, or you can find color schemes from your photographs which is pretty cool. They also have an online version that is free to use also.

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