Looking for some color scheme ideas for your website or blog? I stumbled onto Daily Color Scheme which provides one new color scheme per day on their homepage. They also offer multiple formats to download the color scheme in including css, html, photoshop/illustrator file etc. I think this a nice idea as you can simply go through their color schemes and download whatever you want. I like the boldness of the sites design. The site is in it's first beta which means it will probably last as long as the site owners have time to upload new color schemes every day and the popularity of it. Sometimes color schemes are hard to figure out if you don't have something to go by. You can buy books on color schemes at your local bookstore like barns and noble or Borders. They are usually small are for quick reference. I know I've mentioned this before but Colorschemer.com offers an entire list of color schemes you can browse through and also some cool tools to get the perfect color scheme for your designs. There flagship software is called Color Schemer Studio and is a desktop application for creating color schemes. One cool feature is called PhotoSchemer. Use the PhotoSchemer tool to build unique color schemes based on any picture, image or photograph. Anyway go check it out if you're in the mood for some color.