So I first saw Google updating it's pagerank and posted about it on the 19th of Sept. That was more then a month ago and now it looks like the dust is finally settling. For the past month I've seen my sites go back and forth between the old pagerank and the new so I've been keeping track and watching the #'s over at (which by the way I've never understood what that domain name says). What is raketforskning anway? Anywho, I've noticed this site jumped up to a 5 which is nice since it used to be a PR3 with subpages ranked PR4 which makes absolutely no sense. So basically it looks like things are settling (fingers crossed) and it's time to move onto the work for the next update.

I need some good links to get this site to a PR6 and I've thought the one good way to do that is to give away css templates or wordpress themes because we all know that when you give, you receive. So, to push this site upward I need to start giving stuff away. This site also needs a theme redesign, which probably won't happen for awhile since I'm super busy. We'll see how it goes.

Update Feb 7th..

Looks like Google is still dancing around,, I don't quite understand it. Not sure if others are seeing this as well but if you do please share your thoughts or what you're seeing. Basically Google's pagerank is jumping around back and forth and it makes no sense.

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