Every time I get on myspace to log on or reply or do anything it has errors. It is so frustrating. I'm thinking that a site that makes 25 million a month could afford more servers or programmers or whatever they need so their site works, but I am way wrong. It's been like this for awhile too. Nothing they have added in the past months has made my experience any better. I've never added myspace videos or used their IM service or what have you. Why would I use their video service when youtube is much easier and more familiar? Why hasn't google started a Gspace site to rival them? Orkut doesn't count, it's a bad name and isn't easy to spell or something you want to tell your friends about. It looks ugly from the start. It's not a site you want to join, atleast for me.
Myspace seems like it's totally out of control. They seem to be building more features onto a site that doesn't work. It needs a total overhaul from the ground up. I'm sure that won't happen any time soon. It would cut into their monthly ad revenue. I've said this for awhile, but Myspace's time has come and gone.
How much money myspace (or should i say fox) is making monthly is absolutely absurd but the good news is from where I stand it looks like people are losing interest in myspace altogether. I have to agree with you about Orkut too it’s pretty ugly and not that user friendly, if you’re into social networking Facebook is probably the best thing out there right now, Myspace’s time has come and gone.
Microsoft software. No further explanation required.
actually if you look at myspace from the entertainment market’s perspective, it’s not going anywhere. myspace offers free marketing “portals” for all bands and artists — all you have to do is create a profile & the “portal” is created for you, for all fans / music / tour schedule / etc. even if it exists solely as an entertainment site it will pull more clicks than facebook ever had a chance to. it will be around a lot longer than you think.
I think MySpace simply got out of control and just maybe there is no way to control it. I know of many sad stories and have seen family members on their and it was very depressing the power of one site / culture and it’s effect on people these days…
I’m hoping to build a more relaxed space for people to meet friends. It’s a long shot, but it will be moderated / not censored. Their will be an expected level of respect toward other members. Please feel free to try it out at http://www.GreenYards.com and critic. There are a few minor bugs that we need to work out.
I agree that it is the worst site ever. I refuse to sign up for it until it gets better (even though all my friends are on it).
MySpace is internet cancer–filled with horrible code, trying to mimic BETTER websites, HORRIBLE customization controls and MOVING GIF’s from the late 90’s!
I absolutely cannot stand their persistence, all they do is buy GOOD companies like IMEEM so I can just keep getting spammed!
LiveJournal was a much better blog, Facebook WAS much better at networking–then they opened it up to NON-college students and started with the stupid “apps”. MySpace was infuriating with chain spam bulletins, but THEN Twitter came on board!
I actually used to use social networking sites to keep in touch with friends, but the minute they sold to big companies, was the death knell for them. Props to those guys who got their paycheck, but these companies never learn, that you CAN’T make sustainable business from these sites! Now I don’t even use any of them anymore. I’d mention the one social site I still actually use, that’s free AND functional, but I don’t want some bot to discover it and have it ruined like every other popular site. 🙁
Maybe I’m getting old, but I remember the good old days of the internet, when it was the wild west and Napster was God–you could actually use the free stuff that was on the internet, and the legitimate websites had LESS advertising than porn and seedy hacker websites!
…sorry to vent here, but this was one of the first few places I found that WASN’T in love with myspace! I’m honestly shocked that the more time goes by, the more technology available, and YET myspace and every other stupid site on the planet JUST GETS WORSE! 🙁