If you love photography, then you're going to love these quotes. They are all by famous photographers, except a couple, but they are all about photography. I didn't want to just post the text so I turned them into something more visually appealing. Anyway, hope you enjoy these them!

“Sometimes I just arrive just when God's ready to have someone click the shutter.” – Ansel Adams

“In photography there is reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” – Alfred Stieglitz

“Pictures you have taken have an influence on those that you are going to make. That's Life!” – John Sexton

“Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy – your work becomes a dance with light and weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.” – Annie Leibovitz

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” – Ansel Adams

“Pick a theme and work it to exhaustion… The subject must be something you truly love or truly hate – Dorothea Lange

“To me, photography is like a quest, or a pilgrimage, or a hunt. I love painting, I love music, but photography is what has allowed me to get outside of myself.” – Edouard Boubat

“Once you really commence to see things, then you really commence to feel things.” – Edward Steichen

“Pressing the shutter has remained a moment of joyful recognition, comparable to the delight of a child balancing on tipoe and suddenly, with a small cry of delight, stretching out a hand toward a desired object.” – Inge Morath

“I would like to see everything, look at everything, I want to be the view itself.” – Josef Koudelka

“What I like most about photography is the moment that you can't anticipate; You have to be constantly watching for it, ready to welcome the unexpected.” – Martine Franck

“One of these days I'm going to publish a book of all the pictures I did not take. It is going to be a huge hit.” – Rene Burri

” If you take photographs, don't speak, don't write, don't analyse yourself, and don't answer any questions.” – Robert Doisneau

“When people look at my pictures I want them to fee the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.” – Robert Frank

“I see something special and show it to the camera. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then it is theirs.” – Sam Abell

“Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.” – Yousuf Karsh
Hope you enjoyed these photography quotes!