I've installed a plugin to display the top commentators on this blog. I thought the word for people making comments was commentors but that's wrong. It's commentators!
Anyway, Shoemoney started using this on his blog to encourage people to comment and I think it's a good idea. Basically it gives the top commentators a static link back to their site for taking the time to comment. I think it might attract more spam type comments,, ya know the ones like,, “nice site, visit my porn site”. Those get deleted anyway but if you do want your link to show up on my sidebar please comment on my blog posts. Even if it's that you disagree with me.
I found the plugin via another site that I can't remember at the moment. The Top Commentator Plugin works with wordpress 2.x +.
That’s probably even more effective than de-lurking day :).
Thanks for the tip. This is a plugin worth adding.
Wow, you just install the top commentators plugin, this really make me tempted to post somethings, hack, I”m in:)
I love to the top commentators plugin. It gives readers a free backlink on this PR 4 site which urges then to comment!
Before I installed the plugin I thought it would be commentators too. The plugin is a great way to reward your readers and keep them happy (which is vital for a blog).
I’ve been meaning to add this to my blog, but just haven’t gotten a chance to do so…Ill hopefully get to it tomorrow
I’ve installed, but yet to get it working. Got stuck with the theme thingy. Hopefully it works soon. Thanks!
Can’t get it to work. Guess I don’t know how to put the code in the sidebar file. Every time I try it, my sidebar disappears completely. 🙁
I have been using it for 2 months already and indeed the comments are coming 🙂
This is a great plug in. As I love leaving comments in blogs, I really like the rankings. Comments make a blog more conversational. This is where the readers get to voice and perhaps offer an alternate view that may further engage the reader. Awesome idea!
Its a great plugin, I’ve been using it since I launched my site (only 5 days ago). Its a great way to get comments and people show their love for your blog.
I’m definitely installing this plugin on my blogs and will pass it on to the people I have hosting blogs with me… It’s really a great way to get people to keep coming back to your site and commenting. Thanks Jeff. I’m adding you on two of my blogrolls.
Very interesting plugin but after installing it not working 🙁
I’ve disabled this plugin for awhile, to give this site a breather… It has attracted some attention I’m not sure I want.
I can’t risk having my search rankings F’d up because I’m linking out to free ps3 blogs and hair replacement sites… Basically stuff that is way off topic.
I might enable it in the future though, for testing.
Cool plugin. Downloading this now…
it is a good thing to have but a lot of spammers are using this plugin
Its a nice plugin but there will also be lots of spams.