Google finally introduces video chat functionality within Gmail! This is an awesome new feature that will surely excite people who use gmail and also skype. Now you don't have to use a separate client to chat with people in your gmail contacts list.
Read more about the features below.
That's why today we're launching voice and video chat — right inside Gmail. We've tried to make this an easy-to-use, seamless experience, with high-quality audio and video — all for free. All you have to do is download and install the voice and video plugin and we take care of the rest. And in the spirit of open communications, we designed this feature using Internet standards such as XMPP, RTP, and H.264, which means that third-party applications and networks can choose to interoperate with Gmail voice and video chat.
Once you install the plugin, to start a video chat, just click on the “Video & more” menu at the bottom of your Gmail chat window, and choose “Start video chat.” You'll have a few seconds to make sure you look presentable while it's ringing, and then you'll see and hear your friend live, right from within Gmail. You can click the “pop-out” iconto make the video larger, or click the fullscreen icon
in the upper left-hand corner for a fully immersive experience.
Visit the Gmail's official blog.
This is great! And video chat does not get any easier than that.