Advanced Copywriting Techniques – Persuading Prospects to Buy

Three Powerful Persuasion Strategies And How to Use Each One To Rocket Your Response In this issue: How to structure a logical argument that will have your prospects ready, willing and even eager to buy … The astonishing response-rocketing power of the “scientific...

What Matters Most To Your Website? Good Design, Copy or Both?

This article appeared in ETR's newsletter today and I could not help but to post it here.  I think it is insightful for many reasons but I also want to express my opinion on the matter as a designer who understands the importance of copy in marketing, how crucial it...

Gary Halbert – Gun To The Head Marketing

Gary Halbert was one of the most talented direct response marketers of all time. You can learn a wealth of information from him. Feel free to download or listen online to some free audios of Him and Michel Fortin talking about direct marketing. Go here.

Shut Up and Listen!

Do you talk too much? A study conducted at the University of Rochester's School of Medicine found that – to forge closer relationships with the people they treat – some physicians reveal personal information to their patients. Stuff like details about...

Can Music Make You A Better Copywriter?

Can listening to music… or even playing it… make you a better writer? Maybe yes, according to two new studies. I mentioned above how strange it was that so many copywriters play instruments. Turns out, according to Georgetown University researchers, that...

You Might Be A Copywriter If…

On the Sunday after the AWAI Copywriting Bootcamp, I stopped to talk to a young couple in the lobby of the Delray Beach Marriot. We swapped details on a wide range of topics. Toward the end of the conversation, they looked each other. Then shifted nervously....

Copywriting 80/20 Rule

With the recent popularity of The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss, you’ve probably heard about the 80/20 Rule. The concept was developed by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto over 100 years ago. Ryan Healy, a direct response copywriter has something to say...

Ten Persuasive Writing Techniques

[ad] Ten persuasive writing techniques you can use right now in your copy. With a short description they are: Repetition Repeat your offer or case over and over again. Vary it up so you're not repeating exactly the same thing. Use analogies etc. Reasons Why People...

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