This is interesting… Google is now investing money in renewable energy companies. Google said it would spend hundreds of millions of dollars, part of that to hire engineers and energy experts to investigate alternative energies like solar, geothermal and wind...
From TechCrunch – Google’s Response to Facebook: “Maka-Maka” Maka-Maka encompasses Google’s grand plan to build a social layer across all of its applications to compete with Facebook. Google already has so much data on you, depending on how many Google apps you...
So Google updated it's pagerank about a week and a half ago and a lot of people are pissed to the point where they are taking action against Google. I mean to the point where they are disallowing the googlebot to even index their sites. Vlad is one of them. He's using...
Some fun facts about Google. Number of employees: 12,238 Revenue in 2006: $10.6 billion Profit in 2006: $3.1 billion Share of the U.S. search market: 53.7 percent Global unique users in March: 528 million Market capitalization: $143.5 billion Current Stock Share...