Envato’s celebrating their 3rd birthday and to celebrate they’re offering a very special Birthday Bundle that packs together 37 of their favourite items worth a total of $300 and offers them to you for a ridiculously low $20 price tag. Available for 3 days only (Aug...
So I was one of the 5 winners of the Envato referral competition, came in 2nd place. Many people wondered how many referrals it took and I'm sure some were wondering how the winners did it. Then a new competition was launched where you can win $3,500 if you create...
Jacek Utko is an extraordinary Polish newspaper designer whose redesigns for papers in Eastern Europe not only win awards, but increase circulation by up to 100%. Can good design save the newspaper? It just might.
Seth Godin has just posted a short but sweet article on pivot points of change. When industry norms start to die, people panic. It's difficult to change when you think that you must change everything in order to succeed. Changing everything is too difficult. Simple...
This article is taken from Wired and the link to the full article is at the end. I wanted to post this here because it goes to show that Google “not being evil” and all is tracking basically everything you do so that it can better feed you ads, because...
Ever wonder how to give a good elevator pitch? An elevator pitch is basically when someone asks you what you do and you answer in a way that gives them not only a good understanding of what you do but builds interest so that you can further discussion and maybe gain...
If your holiday funds are a little on the lighter side this year, why not invest a little more human capital to create something truly personal that will last a lifetime? A Blurb book is a fantastic gift that won't break the bank but looks and feels like it should...
So I just got word that finally the new Xbox GUI is here… Downloading it took less than 2 minutes. And it included an awesome 3D animated intro. I'm sure someone will post it on youtube soon. At first glance it's pretty exciting if you're an Xbox fan. The new...
Google finally introduces video chat functionality within Gmail! This is an awesome new feature that will surely excite people who use gmail and also skype. Now you don't have to use a separate client to chat with people in your gmail contacts list. Read more about...
Amazon's S3 (simple storage) service has been out for awhile now and if you're not already using it then you're missing out on cheap and unlimited disk space and bandwidth. What might keep a lot of people from using it is that it seems a bit complicated to set up and...