I found this cool site that allows you to turn your css design into a wordpress theme. It's perfect for matching up the design for a newly installed wordpress blog on an existing site. It is really easy to use. You just create an account and get started. You need your...
Looking for some color scheme ideas for your website or blog? I stumbled onto Daily Color Scheme which provides one new color scheme per day on their homepage. They also offer multiple formats to download the color scheme in including css, html, photoshop/illustrator...
I stumbled upon this cool little flash photo gallery script that allows you to run a cool flash slideshow on your site. It is super easy to install and use. It's basically a few files you have to upload and change the permissions to. (that's not what you're looking...
I just stumbled upon this free tool that helps you pick colors on your screen and easily grab the hex code as well as RGB, CMYK, HSB values as well. When I want to grab the exact hex code to use in design I often take a screenshot and paste that into a new file in...
I stumbled upon Mat Heerema's blog looking for other blogs on web design. Right off the bat I liked the way he redesigned his site and that he uses “tags” which I haven't learned how to do yet. He's also discovered some cool blogs that have recently been...
Here are some background graphics created for electronic voice phenomenon. A site that I regularly update with weird and crazy sounds/music/electronic experimentation.
David Carson has been my favorite designer since college (94-98). Graphic design was my major and I would always make sure to get every copy of Raygun which Carson was the art director of. I loved Raygun because it was refreshing, cool and didn't follow rules. ...
I recently came across a great toolbar for web designers. It has a whole bunch of cool features that will speed up testing and overall put more information at your fingertips when designing a website. I won't go through all the features, you will just have to check...
t26 has been around for awhile and it's always nice to see what new fonts they have in stock. Signing up for their newsletter gives you an inside scoop to what their next month of new fonts holds. They have spectacular fonts btw and all reasonably priced. They also...
You can use this script to rotate random images on your site or blog. It requires the use of php but is very easy to install and use. You can see it in use at hivelogic's site and also global travel source's site. Just refresh your browser to see the changes. All...