An online tool to help you find new colors for your next design. Easily find complimentary colors for your design that are pleasing to the eye with this new color tool. It seems to work pretty well and is free to use. Genopal also offers a desktop version that I guess...
Godaddy had Orange County Chopper build them a sweet chopper recently. If you haven't seen the show American Chopper then it might be something to check out if you like bikes/choppers. It's a pretty good show and is always entertaining to watch if you are into...
Well most of you who run blogger blogs (blogspot) have heard about moving out of beta and requiring all users who switch to start logging in with their google account or gmail account. I was quite skeptical of this at first and did not want to switch over...
WordPress 2.1 has just been released! You can download it here. It has a lot of new great features and includes… Amazingly enough “over 550 bug fixes!” Which is a lot of bug fixes. Some other features include: Autosave New tabbed editor Lossless XML...
This is off topic but probably the best thing I've found in a long time. I've been wanting to stream media off my computer to my xbox 360 since I got it last year but haven't yet because I don't have Windows Media Center. I've been just waiting I guess and haven't put...
I found this great script for creating short urls or hiding affiliate links without the need to edit your .htaccess file. I normally use the .htaccess file to redirect long affiliate urls to smaller more memorable ones but I ran into problems on another site when the...
JavaScript links on all of ValueClick's properties creates the technological framework to power a massive, behavioral targeting network I posted about CJ's LMI awhile back and finally read this. They finally make it clear what their motive is behind making everyone...
If you've ever wanted to make your blog a little more personal you can use a cool itunes plugin from Brandon Fuller which will display what you are currently listening to in itunes. It costs $10 to register it and it is pretty easy to install and use. I've had the...
Watch this video! Enforce Net Neutrality! – Sign this petition and let your local congressman know that you believe in net neutrality. Also try this petition.
Google Analytics is finally available to everyone, with no waiting for approval. In essence, the program tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors came upon your site and their behavior once they're there. With the free data provided by Google...